HAYASHI Laboratory

Nagoya University, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability

Nagoya University, Graduate School/ School of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Symbiosis and Ecology System (Energy and Environmental Ecology System) Cooperation Laboratory

Study on renewable energy and environment and ecosystem service assessment for achieving natural symbiotic society

We are conducting research to realize a sustainable society in harmony with nature by assessing the impact of energy and the environment. Especially focusing on land use and spatial evaluation of natural environment, we are working on comprehensive solution of issues related to renewable energy (biomass, small hydro, solar power, etc.), ecosystem services, environment, economy and society. Along with the environment assessment from a small scale field survey to global scale beyond country, we are engaged in a research with an interdisciplinary approach combining spatial analysis such as GIS (Geographical Information System), AI (Artificial Intelligence), UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, what we call, drone), field survey and so on. 

LAB introduction VIDEO

New topics
2021/12/15 We held the ARIES masterclass at the ESP Asia Conference 2021 click here
2021/09/04 We held a special session on k.LAB at the annual conference of Japan Scoeity of Impact Assessment.

2021/09/03 Prof. Ferdinando Villa(BC3、 Spain) made a presentation on "Artificial intelligence for a sustainable planet: the ARIES platform
" at the symposium on Big data and Environmental Assessment at the annual conference of Japan Society of Impact Assessment.

2021/06/09 UNSEEA is open for the public. click here
  ARIES exlporer for UNSEEA
  ARIES for SEEA explorer access

2021/03/06 Special session on Web-GIS based Easy Handling Environment & Sustainability Integrated Modelling was held at ICERD12. click here

2019/11/7 Mr. Huang Yue (master's 2nd-year student) received the academic conference award! Click
  • Conference title: ICMaSS2019 (International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2019)
    Session:A9-I: Eco System Analysis and OthersT
    Title: Convolutional Neural Networks for Tree Species Classification

2019/09/11 IAIA20(International Association for Imapact Assessment) 
  • Abstract submission opens for Asian Session

Kiichiro HAYASHI Ph.D.

Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya Univ.
Research Institutes Bldg II, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan

Phone: +81-52-789-5383
E-mail: maruhaya(at)imass.nagoya-u.ac.jp

Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS)
School of Engineering / Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ
Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP)
Nagoya University Civil & Environmental Engineering International Office

Nagoya University 

Copyright (C) 2018 Hayashi Lab. All Rights Reserved.